Don't Have A Mentor? Find One.

Everyone needs a mentor...and that's hard to find these days. Most bosses are so busy, they don't have a few minutes to sit down and help you grow in your profession or as a person. 

In a way, I feel sorry for millennials  today. So many are thrown into a new job without the guiding hand of experience. If they want advice, they text or e-mail. Person to person contact is often non existent. We're expected to do more with less, and so often the "less" is the voice of wisdom. Someone who can help guide you along when you're steering too far off course, or offer you words of encouragement when you start to doubt yourself. Even getting a "great job" is hard to come by.

Which is why I feel so lucky I found this guy years ago. 

His name is David, and he used to work at NewsRadio KFBK . Then he went on to program some of the biggest radio stations in the country. Today he's a big shot radio consultant who works with radio stations around the world, and still finds time to reignite my passion for radio. He always makes time for me, and that's me personally, and for the business I'm in. If we don't spend time helping and encouraging one another today, what does that say to the workers of tomorrow?

As bosses and employees we need to make time to pass along what we've learned...the good and the bad. A few minutes of face time and a conversation, or even a kind word, is worth more than any e-mail or text.

So find someone you admire. Find someone who's smarter than you, who has passion, who can bring out the best in you, even when you're at your worst.  If they won't come to you, go to them. You can never have enough people like that in your life. If you're lucky enough to have one, make sure you thank him/her.

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