October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It's a time to highlight what domestic violence is, what it means to the community and what servces are available. 

Megan Laurie with Sacramento victims' advocacy and support organization Weave says there's more to domestic violence than people assume.

"You also have the sexual assault, Laurie said. "You have spiritual violence, you have emotional violence, we use technology, as well." 

Laurie says some warning signs that your partner is abusing you typically involve two things. 

"What we've learned is, it's all about power and control," Laurie said. "An abuser is going to look for ways to control their victim's behavior." 

This includes monitoring cell phone use, not allowing their partner to go back to school, have a job, or have access to any of their finances. 

If you think you or someone you love may be a victim of domestic violence, click here for ways to get help. 

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