Inside Look at Echo Water Project

A lot of work goes into bringing you and your family clean water. That's why the state of California is taking time to recognize all water professionals during Water Professionals Appreciation Week. 

Director of Operations for Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Ruben Robles said the Wastewater Treatment Plant near Elk Grove employs about 400 people.

"One of the big things for us is to make sure we maintain a safe operating plant, make sure we protect the environment, make sure we protect the public and to do that, requires highly qualified and experienced staff," Robles said. 

All this while the the Echo Water Project is still ongoing. 

Robles said it'll cost about $2 billion. Regional San got a nearly $1.66 billion dollar loan from the state and customer rates have gradually increased to about $37 a month to help pay for this project.

That project will remove ammonia from the water and filter wastewater to tertiary levels so that it can be recycled.

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