New Sacramento Resident Asks Others to Take on the #Trashtag Challenge

Think about the time you made a big move to a new city for a job or to go to school. How did you meet people? Well, for new Sacramento resident Namu Williams, he's asking strangers to pick up trash with him.

The trash tag challenge goes all the way back to 2015, but it's gone viral this year on social media on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Users make a public post asking people to share it and tag others who may be interested in cleaning up an area. Once you meet up, the organizer takes a before and after photo of the area to also share on social media. The challenge has gone viral all over the world, with people in several different countries organizing #trashtag challenges in their areas.

Williams says he's always been service minded and felt like the challenge would be a good way to connect with other people who are like him.

"It made perfect sense," Williams said. "Here's a chance for me to get involved locally — which I love to do — to meet new people and to encourage others to be a part of that process."

Williams recently moved from Los Angeles to Sacramento to be closer to his son and expand his photography business. He says he's always been impressed with Sacramento and looks forward to networking with other like-minded people.

Williams said about 20 people have already volunteered to help pick up trash along the American River Parkway, and he's hoping to organize more #trashtag challenges in the future.

"In general, theses kinds of challenges are often appealing because it's a small, short time investment," Williams said. "It can be fun. It can be an adventurous thing to do on a small scale."

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