A Fresh Agenda With Cristina Mendonsa - Episode #64 Kathy Ireland

Kathy Ireland is best known as a supermodel in the 1980's and 90's but as a businesswoman, she has surpassed that success 10 fold. Kathy Ireland Worldwide has made her one of the wealthiest former models in the world and 2 billion in products carry her company's brand.

From furniture to pet products to diamonds, Kathy Ireland's products span the lives and tastes of all demographics. Her philanthropic pursuits include a dedication to education, disease research, and HIV/AIDS.

Things I didn't know about Kathy Ireland:

1.She's a fan of failure. She said she stayed modeling so long because her business pursuits were failing...but it taught her, she got better and launched her brand in 1993.

2 She has a role in Janet Jackson's career. Jackson is managed by Sterling/Winters which is owned by Kathy Ireland Worldwide

3 Her dad was a labor union organizer and joined protest marches and rallies with Cesar Chavez

4 Ireland has her name on 17,000 products but her very first product was....socks.

She is funny and kind and full of great advice too. You'll enjoy the conversation.

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