Law Enforcement Groups Drop Opposition To CA Use Of Force Legislation

In a stunning move on Thursday two of the California's biggest law enforcement organizations announced they are ending their opposition to legislation at the Capitol that would increase the standards for use of deadly force by police.

Representatives for organizations representing police chiefs and rank-and-file officers told The Associated Press that they have decided not to fight a measure that was introduced in the Legislature in response to national unrest over fatal police shootings. That bill would forbid police from using lethal force unless it is deemed "necessary." That's a change from the current standard of a "reasonable fear."

There was no immediate explanation for the move from law enforcement officials. But they may have been swayed by new amendments to the legislation which clarify that officers are not required to retreat from a confrontation with a suspect nor will they give up their right to self-defense if they use "objectively reasonable force."

Democratic legislative leaders are backing the revised version, which is set for a key vote next week.

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