Scripts Now Accepted for "A Place Called Sacramento" Film Festival

Listen: Gary Martin, Access Sacramento Executive Director

Photo: Script Writing Instructor Dawn Spinella

Scripts are a being accepted for the annual writer’s competition for the annual “A Place Called Sacramento” Film Festival.

Ten family-friendly 10-minute winning scripts will be selected for production over the summer followed by a red-carpet world premiere movie showing on Oct. 3, 2020 at the historic Crest Theatre in downtown Sacramento.

Script entries are due Tuesday, March 17 at 5:00 p.m. and may be submitted on-line at or dropped off at the Access Sacramento office at 4623 T Street, Suite A, Sacramento, CA. There is a $20 entry fee.

A special "Short-Form Script Writing"class runs two Saturdays, Feb. 15 and Feb. 22, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Access Sacramento to help writers begin a new script or to polish one already in progress.

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