California State Parks Reopens American River Bike Trail along Lake Natoma

Listen: Richard Preston-LeMay,

Superintendent Folsom Sector of California State Parks

 After a three-year closure, California State Parks is reopened the Jedediah Smith Memorial Trail, popularly known as the American River Bike Trail, on Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020. Reopening this section of the trail will once again allow the recreating and commuting public to enjoy the north shore of Lake Natoma.

The American River Bike Trail is part of Folsom Lake State Recreation Area’s (SRA) 19,500 acres. The park has 95 miles of trails for hikers, bicyclists, runners and horseback riders. A paved, mostly accessible bicycle trail loops around Lake Natoma, linking Beals Point and the American River Bike Trail. 

A large landslide covered portions of the American River Bike Trail, located between Nimbus Dam and the Negro Bar area of Folsom Lake SRA, during the winter storms of January and February 2017. In late August of 2019, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in partnership with State Parks initiated repairs by removing the debris that covered the trail as a result of those storms. The second phase of the project utilized a geotechnical contractor to scale a portion of the bluff to remove loose rock from the face of the bluff directly above the trail. Following the scaling, crews removed the additional debris and repaved the damaged sections of the trail.

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