New AKC Pet Disaster Relief Trailer at Yuba County OES

Listen: Briana Haberman, Emergency Operations Planner, Yuba County Emergency Services, Office of the County Administrator

AKC Reunite, the largest non-profit pet identification and recovery service provider in the United States, is pleased to announce that Yuba County, CA is now equipped with an AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer that will be available to dispatch to any disaster scene that needs assistance sheltering pets. This is now the farthest northern trailer in the state of California.

AKC Pet Disaster Relief, a national program that is dedicated to keeping pets and their owners safe in response to natural or civil disasters, joined forces with local American Kennel Club dog clubs and dog lovers to present an emergency trailer to Yuba County Office of Emergency Services.

The AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailers help to create a safe, temporary home-base for at least 65 pets during the first 72 hours after a disaster is declared. The trailers house and deliver essential animal care items including crates and carriers, AKC Reunite microchips and an AKC Reunite universal microchip scanner, bowls, collars and leashes as well as fans, lighting and a generator, cleaning supplies and maintenance items. These supplies can be used as colocation shelters, where people

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