Mayor Darrell Steinberg Commends the Community: Donate4Sacramento

Listen: Mayor Darrell Steinberg talks about the success so far of Donate4Sacramento. Here's where you can donate:

Donate4Sacramento distributed its first round of funding today in the amount of $262,678 in rapid response to those heavily impacted by health and financial burdens associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. United Way California Capital Region, Sacramento Region Community Foundation, Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce, and Sacramento Steps Forward will each receive funding to administer a rapid release of supplies and support to individuals, families, nonprofits, and small businesses throughout Sacramento County. These organizations were selected because of their experience in grantmaking and ability to quickly deploy funds into communities whose level of need has been amplified by this crisis. Today pledges to the fund stands at $601,870 and 541 donors have committed contributions since it launched one week ago. Donate4Sacramento, started in collaboration between Councilmember Jay Schenirer, Sierra Health Foundation and several others, is a growing coalition of community partners comprising some of the region’s largest foundations, chambers of commerce, and community groups. “I’d like to thank all the partners for moving so quickly to get these donations to work in our community,” said Mayor Darrell Steinberg. “This is an extraordinary time, and we are mounting an extraordinary effort to soften the effects of this pandemic on our small businesses, non-profits and most vulnerable residents.” Donate4Sacramento has received contributions of $91,870 from 533 individual donors in just seven days since the fund went operational. Major commitments in the amount of $10,000 or greater totaling $510,000 from 8 entities including Sierra Health Foundation and Health Net ($150,000 each), Ford Motor Company Fund ($100,000), The California Wellness Foundation ($50,000), Comcast ($30,000), and Intel Corporation, David and Helene Taylor, and the Teichert Foundation ($10,000 each). The dollars will be allocated in waves as the fund grows, with disbursement coordinated by experienced grantmaking intermediaries with established processes for quickly reviewing requests, making decisions against a set of criteria, and deploying payments.

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