Big Day of Giving: Support the Great Work of The Salvation Army in Sacto

Listen: Major Ivan Wild with the Salvation Army.

Join Kitty and Major Wild at 10 am on Facebook live...

All day May 7 we're re going live at The Salvation Army's Divisional Headquarters in Sacramento to raise awareness and funding for our COVID-19 response and normal programs and services. We are planning six live segments at our various facilities throughout the capital region to show how we're#DoingTheMostGood. This year, we set our biggest goal yet for the Big Day of Giving, $250,000! You can help us reach that fundraising goal, and help your neighbors in need at!

The fundraising goal is $250,000 to support our #covid19 response and Sacramento services for those in need. Give now at #bdog

Major Ivan Wild

Kitty joins the Salvation Army's Facebook Live this morning. Watch below.

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