Governor Newsom Promises Greater Effort To End Racism In California

During a Friday news briefing, California Governor Gavin Newsom focused on efforts to end racism and systemic injustices in the state. He noted that he spent much of the week discussing the goal with with community leaders, small businesses, and elected officials up and down California.

Speaking from the Unity Center at the California Museum in Sacramento, one of things he is able to do right now is ordering the state's police training program to stop teaching officers a strangle hold procedure.

The order comes nearly two weeks after a Minneapolis, Minnesota, police officer knelt on the neck of George Floyd, who later died in police custody.

This is part of an effort to organize a new plan for law enforcement to respond to ongoing protests, and Mr. Newsom added that demonstrators have the right to protest peacefully without being harassed.

In addition, Newsom met with community leaders, small businesses and elected officials this week to discuss.

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