Broadway Sacramento Gets National Award from American Council of the Blind

Listen: Regina Brink, president of the ACB Capital Chapter of the California Council of the Blind, talks about Broadway Sacramento receiving a 2020 American Council of the Blind Achievement Award in Audio Description. Richard Lewis, President and CEO of Broadway Sacramento reacts to the honor.

The ACB Audio Description Projectin conjunction with the American Council of the Blind’s 59th annual conference and convention (to be held virtually in July 2020), will be presenting to Richard Lewis, President and CEO, Broadway Sacramento, the Achievement in Audio Description -

This award recognizes Broadway Sacramento for its ten years of outstanding work in providing to patrons with vision loss audio description services and hands-on tactile preshow presentations for all Broadway At Music Circus series and Broadway On Tour series performances.

Our local ACB Capital Chapter of CCB has worked in partnership with Broadway Sacramento to make audio-described performances a reality and nominated them for this honor.

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