Raising Funds for Wreaths for Veteran's Gravesites in Dixon Cemetery

Listen: Melanie Stocking, President of RememberAVet.net


Our mission is to secure donations to purchase wreaths, ensuring that each gravesiteatthe Sacramento Valley National Cemetery is recognized and honored during the holiday season. 

We are also concentrating on raising awareness of this project and encouraging other civic groups, organizations and individuals to join in this effort each year, for this and other cemeteries.


 **Volunteers needed to unload trucks on Friday, Dec. 11th @ 3:30 PM 

  (Teenagers and adults)

Please call or text 707.249.5852 if you are able to help unload trucks and let us know how many in your volunteer group....thank you! Event goes on, rain or shine!

 **Volunteers needed to place wreaths Saturday, Dec. 12th

**SVNC Wreath Placement Event: Saturday, December 12th, starting at 8:00 AM, goes on rain or shine. This is a public event and all ages are welcome...no sign up required! 

Having to adhere to the group restrictions, the morning program that typically precedes the wreath placement has been cancelled for this year. Instead, volunteers are welcome to visit SVNC on Saturday, December 12th, to assist with scheduled placements starting at 8 AM, that will be ongoing throughout the day, until all are placed. Plans are being prepared to allow for spacing out volunteers during the day to keep everyone safe and volunteers are reminded to wear masks and to carpool. Staff will be directing parking within the cemetery and plan updates will be posted on our Facebook page: Wreath Project (Sacramento Valley National Cemetery). You are encouraged to check back here frequently and check the FB page. You may want to join the email group (wreathproject@yahoo.com) for event information and year-round updates as well.

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