Sacramento SPCA Pet Of The Week: Sadie

Sadie is a 8 year old 61 lb Shepherd mix looking for her forever home! She is loving and wants to hang out with her people all day. Whatever you are doing, she wants to do it with you! Sadie has come to the shelter more than once as a stray, so she will need a tall, secured fenced-in yard where she will be inside most of the time with her family. Sadie enjoys playing with toys and going for long walks where she can explore her environment. She has interacted with kids under the age of 9 at our shelter & did great with their energy level. She does not have a history with dogs, but may do well with a slow introduction. (She does find cats a little too interesting!) If you are looking for a laid back, sweet gal, Sadie could be the one for you!

  • Name: Sadie
  • Animal ID: 21006334
  • Breed: Shepherd Mix
  • Age: 8 years
  • Sex: Spayed Female
  • Adoption Fee: $110

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