West Sacramento Declares Itself a Compassionate City: What that Means

Listen: West Sacramento City Councilmember Quirina Orozco,

The West Sacramento City Council unanimously adopted a Resolution committing West Sacramento to be a Compassionate City at its Wednesday, February 17 meeting. City Council Member Quirina Orozco proposed the measure for the City Council meeting agenda at the request of city residents and organizations engaged in service to others.

City Council Member Orozco noted that residents of West Sacramento are known for working together collectively for the overall betterment of the community which in turn, has helped address some of the most difficult problems.

About the Charter for Compassion

The Charter for Compassion is an international movement bringing compassion to the forefront of civic and community activities. In joining the movement, communities pronounce, among other things, that the needs and well-being of the entire community are a priority, and that all people are to be treated with compassion, kindness, and respect. Communities acknowledge their commitment to being a compassionate community by affirming the Charter for CompassionInternational’s (CCI), Charter for Compassion, and joining a global network of cities, towns, townships, shires, hamlets, villages, neighborhoods, islands, states, provinces, counties, republics, and countries in making compassion central to co-existenceand communitylife.

Organizations supporting the West Sacramento resolution include Compassionate and Resilient West Sacramento, New Roots Farm,KuchenuCommunity Garden, BBCAN, the Center for Spiritual Awareness, Three Sisters Farm, and Compassionate Capital Region.

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