Caltrans Marks Earth Day 2021 with Local Litter Clean-Up Event

Listen: Chris Clark with Caltrans. A clean up litter event takes place Thursday, April 22 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m at Hwy 99 and Broadway SB on-ramp

Director Toks Omishakin and CHP Commissioner Amanda Ray will be joining in the clean-up effort.


Caltrans Maintenance Personnel: Department crews invest significant time and resources collecting, recycling, and disposing of litter and hazardous waste each year. In 2020, crews collected 287,000 cubic yards of litter – enough to fill 18,000 garbage trucks.

-California Highway Patrol (CHP): Officers actively enforce California’s anti-littering laws, ticketing motorists seen littering the highways or driving with unsecured cargo loads. Last year, CHP officers issued more than 3,100 citations for littering.

-Special Peoples Program: A Caltrans work mentoring program providing temporary litter collection jobs and life skills training to parolees and veterans. In 2020, program participants removed more than 86,000 cubic yards of litter from California highways, or about 5,400 garbage trucks. -

Adopt-A-Highway: Volunteer partners consist of conscientious individuals, organizations, and businesses that help remove litter from their “adopted” sections of roadside. Since its inception in 1989, volunteers have removed litter from more than 15,000 miles of highway shoulder.

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