Earth Day Art Installation and Upcycle Pop Eco Art Market in Old Sac on Sat

Listen: Shira Lane, Founder and CEO Atrium 916, a sustainability-focused non-profit arts organization, talks about

the Recycle Challenge art installation, an interactive exhibit meant to inspire Sacramentans to reduce waster and recycle right

Local officials will cut the ribbon on a new art installation on Thursday, Earth Day.

Saturday, a family-friendly art market.


Earth Day - at Atrium 916
Thursday April 22nd, 4:30 pm
1020 Front Street
Historic Old Sacramento Waterfront
Parking - Street parking is free after 4:30 in Old Sacramento.


Open to the public - Upcycle Pop Eco Art Market
Saturday April 24th - noon to 5pm
1020 Front Street

Both events are outdoors, masked, and social distanced.

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