CAL/OSHA New Regulations Explained by Employment Attorney Jennifer Shaw

Jennifer Shaw, President of the Shaw Law Group discusses the new workplace regulations proposed by Cal/OSHA.

If you’re fully vaccinated you can take off your face mask while you’re indoors — but only if everyone else in the room also is fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated employees don’t need to wear a mask outside either, except when working large “mega-events,” such as concerts with more than 10,000 attendees.

Employers must either have physical distancing protocols that keep workers 6 feet apart, or offer all unvaccinated workers N95 masks or similar respirators. After July 31, all employers must keep a stash of N95 masks for unvaccinated workers. But unvaccinated workers aren’t required to use the N95 masks — they can use a cloth mask or other face covering.

Jennifer Shaw, President, Shaw Law Group

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