Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones Subject Of ACLU Lawsuit

Sheriff Scott Jones from Sacramento County is the subject of an ACLU lawsuit. 

The civil liberties organization filed a complaint in Superior Court in Sacramento saying that Jones is violating Senate Bill 54. The 2017 law forbids local police from using time and resources to assist Immigration and Customs Enforcement on federal violations or holding inmates past their release dates. The ACLU alleges that Jones has found ways around the law to assist ICE in custody transfers that often lead to deportation. The American Civil Liberties Union's complaint mentions that Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones has touted cooperation with U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement "and has fiercely opposed SB5 and similar laws."

"We have documentation from the sheriff's department itself, showing exactly how these illegal transfers between the sheriff's office and ICE have occurred," said Sean Riordan, a senior staff attorney with ACLU Northern California. NorCal Resist, an organization that offers undocumented residents education on knowing your rights if approached by federal immigration agents, is also part of the lawsuit. The group said the actions done by the sheriff's office reflect the separation of families at the border, according to KCRA3.

The Sheriff's office said they couldn't comment on the lawsuit due to protocols established by the County.

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