Sacramento Unified School District Announces Relaxed Mask Mandates


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This morning administrators in the Sacramento Unified School District have announced they're relaxing their mask mandate for students outdoors

The administrators are dropping the mandate after a decrease in COVID cases in the county the past two weeks, according to a letter sent from the district to resident families. The district has reported the changes are due to Sacramento County's COVID-19 cases falling significantly as of February 18. The district says because the county has stayed below 50 cases per 100k residents for two weeks, it has been given the go ahead to lift the restrictions. "Face masks may be removed for outdoor activities, such as PE, recess or lunch, where students can keep reasonably distanced," the letter said.

The letter said students can take off their masks during outdoor physical education classes during recess, or lunch as long as they are a reasonable distance away from each. Restrictions on extracurricular activities have been in place since January 10 of this year.

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