Law Enforcement Group Endorsing Anne Marie Schubert For Attorney General

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A prominent law enforcement group is endorsing Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert for Attorney General.

The Peace Officers Research Association of California and the California Association of Highway Patrolmen are the latest group speaking out in support of Schubert in her run for Attorney General, who now has backing of two of the state’s largest law enforcement groups. “I am honestly not only honored but I am humbled to stand here today as the choice of the men and women in law enforcement across California’s law enforcement agencies to be the next attorney general,” Schubert said. Police groups have highlighted her experience working with local and state law enforcement for more than 30 years and her success in putting some of the state’s most notorious criminals in prison, which includes the Golden State Killer. She has also historically pushed for the death penalty in California and participated in the investigation of the massive fraud case involving the Employment Development Department.

Schubert has been criticized publicly for refusing to file charges against Sacramento County police officers in cases using deadly force - most notably, Schubert said two Sacramento officers acted lawfully when they shot and killed Stephon Clark, an unarmed 22-year-old Black man, whose death led to months of massive protests in 2018.

Schubert is running without party preference against Governor Gavin Newsom’s Democratic-appointed Attorney General Rob Bonta and Republicans Nathan Hochman and Eric Early. The primary is scheduled for June 7 - the top two candidates with the most votes will then face off in the November election. 

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