Sacto Scientist Day To Inspire The Next Generation

Thousands of elementary school students from across California gathered at the State Capitol this week for an interactive learning experience on State Scientist Day.  Busloads of students converged on the Capitol to learn about science through hands-on exhibits and experiments.

Baylin is from Stockton.  In addition to learning what causes earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, the fourth-grader also got a close up look at "Oreo" the snake.

"A California king snake, and he only eat mice and rats" she explained. "If it's a female then it can eat a full rattlesnake."

Photo by Joe Michaels, KFBK

Other popular exhibits allowed students a close-up look at what causes earthquakes and to participate in chemistry experiments.

Jim McCall, a Chemist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, said the students who participate in State Scientist Day are likely those who'll be taking care of the state in years to come.  "We're hoping to inspire them to go get involved in math and technology, chemistry, all the hard sciences," he said.  "So they can contribute when they're of age."

Photo by Joe Michaels, KFBK

Students also got a look at how scientists protect the environment.

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