California's Mask Mandate Will Stay In Place Until June 15th

California will not be adjusting the mask mandate to follow the CDC guidelines just yet. The California Department of Pubic Health will make those changes come June 15th, the same day the Governor has outlined as the day the state will reopen, removing Coronavirus restrictions. The CDC relaxed recommendations last week, saying fully vaccinated people could lose the mask in most indoor and outdoor settings. California health officials said Monday the state will leave the current guidelines in place until June 15th. The state's top health official, Dr. Mark Ghaly, says the next four weeks will give the state and residents a chance to prepare for the change and allow for even more residents to get vaccinated. Right now, the current restrictions allow for those who are vaccinated to go unmasked in outdoor settings that are uncrowded with proper physical distancing. The announcement Monday was speaking in particular to indoor settings, allowing more time for the state to determine how officials will be able to enforce the guidance and figure out who is and who is not vaccinated.

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