Donate Now To Help Those Affected By The Wildfires

Join iHeartMedia Sacramento in Supporting Those Affected and Fighting the Nor-Cal Wildfires!

Help people affected by the wildfires. There are many agencies and non-profits that are working to help displaced residents and support the brave firefighters battling Nor-Cal firefighters. Here are a few that will take your donations:

American Red Cross - Your donation enables the Red Cross to prepare for, respond and help people recover from these disasters. More than 5,000 overnight stays in the shelters. Over 51,000 meals and snacks served, and distributed over 1000 relief items, including comfort kits to help people in need. Volunteers have made more than 4,800 contacts providing emotional support, health services and spiritual care for people who've been evacuated. If you know someone that needs help, they can call 855-755-7111. To donate to the American Red Cross, click HERE! If you want to donate your time, you can volunteer here.

The Salvation Army - They are working to collect donations that go toward helping displaced residents, supports first responders and disaster readiness. You can donate to them HERE!

El Dorado Community Foundation - You can make a donation directly to the victims of the Caldor Fire through your donation to the Caldor Fire Fund. Your entire donation will go to support the families impacted by this fire. These are our friends, neighbors, and families. With your support, we can help to make a difference in the lives of those who need us now more than ever. All donations to the CALDOR FIRE FUND are unrestricted. Donate by clicking HERE!

Evacuation Teams of Amador - They are an Amador County-based group that helps with the evacuation of animals. You can donate to them HERE! - Airbnb has a program that offers free, temporary housing to displaced disaster victims. People around the world can offer housing to those who have lost their homes to wildfires, floods or other disasters. Click here to host a stay or make a donation.

California Fire Foundation - The Sacramento-based California Fire Foundation helps departments and families of fallen firefighters. It also has a program that helps deliver gift cards to eligible victims of fire or other natural disasters to help pay for necessities. You can donate here.

El Dorado County Animal Services: El Dorado County Animal Services has been taking care of evacuated animals. You can support their efforts by donating to their Pet Aid Fund.

Volunteers of America: Volunteers of America is accepting donations for a disaster fund that provides meals, clothing and shelter for veterans and their families, and other evacuees.

Hands4Hope - Hands4Hope is collecting donations for the Caldor Fire victims. They are accepting both monetary and supply donations. In addition, any businesses offering discounts or services can contact Hands4Hope to facilitate.

Dixie Fire

North Valley Community Foundation - The North Valley Community Foundation has a Wildfire Relief and Recovery Fund that raises money for nonprofits giving immediate assistance to anyone impacted by wildfires. The organization also has the Dixie Fire Grant Program, which supports the rebuilding and revitalization of communities.

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