California ISO Calling For Statewide Flex Alert Today

The California Independent System Operator is calling for a statewide Flex Alert today. 

Everyone is asked to voluntarily conserve energy and take some stress off the power grid between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Powering down computers, turning up the thermostat, turning off unnecessary lights, and avoiding the use of major appliances are all good ways to save. Rolling blackouts have become a method for utility companies in the state to intentionally turn off the power when it gets too windy in dry summer months to prevent power lines from toppling and starting wildfires. Such blackouts in August 2020 were the first in nearly two decades caused by an energy shortage.

“The increased demand can make electricity supplies tight and strain the power grid, making conservation essential,” the ISO said. So far this year California has not experienced any rotating blackouts as was the case in 2021 during several heat waves.

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