Sacramento Mom Says Principal & Staff Pinned Down Her Son For 22 Minutes

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A Sacramento mother has made some disturbing accusations against the principal and staff at Woodlake Elementary School.

On January 18, Holly Davis was called to pick up her 8-year-old son from school. She says when she walked in she witnessed the principal and another staff member pinning her son down.

"Twenty-two minutes of restraining a special needs 8-year-old child is extremely excessive," Davis told a local news station. "I ran to him and got down on the ground and I told them to let go of my son."

Davis also shared an audio recording of a meeting that was facilitated by the elementary special education program where the staff explained what led up to the restraining of her son.

"Principal gets away and Braiden attempts to get away ... he starts to punch, headbutt and attempt to bite an independent facilitator," adding that the principal asked the independent facilitator if she was ready to restrain Davis' son before they performed a two-man fitted restraint.

Davis says her son is facing trauma as a result of the incident and that's why she has completed paperwork to transfer him out of the Twin Rivers Unified School District while the investigation continues.

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