Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM deals with UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained phenomena.Full Bio


This Week's Weird News 7/26/24

Flying saucers over Miami and Brazil, a weird milk mystery in New Zealand, and a pair of peculiar objects that plummeted from the sky were among the strange and unusual stories to cross our desk this past week.

Unusual falling objects were in the news this past week by way of two stories centered around things plummeting from the sky. In Texas, a motorist filmed an anomaly that seemed to be dropping down in a straight line and leaving a long trail of smoke behind it. Some suggested that the object could have been space junk or a meteor, but as of now, it has yet to be identified. A less mysterious but equally strange case occurred in New Jersey later in the week when a couple's Tesla had its windshield smashed by a rather sizeable fish that had fallen from the sky. While they initially suspected that a pescatarian prankster was behind the weird event, they later concluded that the fish was likely dropped by an eagle that nests in their backyard.

Photo: Getty Images

A pair of videos featuring what appeared to be flying saucers caught our attention this past week. First, an astounded Miami resident filmed a curious craft hovering over the city, spawning all manner of theories as to what the weird UFO might have been. Meanwhile, in Brazil, a witness captured some rather fantastic footage of a similarly saucer-shaped object seen in the sky over the community of Curitiba. The remarkably clear video provided a fantastic glimpse of the peculiar object that loomed in the sky for quite some time, though whether it was alien in nature or simply something prosaic like a drone or a balloon remains unknown.

Photo: Getty Images

By far the weirdest story of the week emerged out of New Zealand, where a community has become gripped by a strange milk mystery. For the past several months, people in the town of Alexandra have noticed that some individual keeps leaving bottles of flavored milk atop a gas station pump. Suggesting that there may not be all that much happening in the small community, the question of who is behind the recurring phenomenon has become the talk of the town with residents offering an array of elaborate theories and diligently tracking the details of when each drink mysteriously appears.

For more weird and wondrous stories from the past week, check out the Coast to Coast AM website.

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