Cristina Mendonsa

Cristina Mendonsa

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Ready for a Weekend of Civility? #metoo

Its been quite the week, hasn't it?  The hearings have dominated social media and like virtually all journalists I've watched gavel to gavel, each day.  The twitter feed has been a dumpster fire of blazing hot opinion, anger, frustration, and exhaustion.  Still, I managed a couple of events this week that reminded me of what is best in our communities. 

In Oakland this week, I watched the re-opening of a basketball community center that brings hundreds of boys and girls together with pro-players and mentors, homework tutors and yoga instructors.  Watching the kids (and their parents) excitement as Golden State Warriors player Andre Iguodala walked through touring the new facility (his son attends) was fun to see.  Talking to him about his responsibility as a mentor to others was equally satisfying.  I'll post some of that interview this weekend on my socials and here. 

Then last night, the Sacramento City Awards recognized 12 people from police, fire and the community who are out there, saving. lives. every. day.   It was a big event with fanfare and guest speaker, former 49er Bubba Paris.  There were tears and expressions of gratitude that I think caught some of the officers and firefighters by surprise.  

Observations of quiet strength and honest work are restorative in times when the news cycle is filled with images that make us feel like our country is coming apart.  I'm thankful to have witnessed a couple of these events and hopeful the weekend will help you restore some optimism too.  Whether its food to fork or a quiet evening with loved ones...have a wonderful weekend.  

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