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Congress is pushing for new tracking and treatment for veterans after the latest numbers show 7000 military members a year are taking their own lives. A new treatment center for veterans with post traumatic stress is seeing excellent results in treating something called moral injury. Dr. Mindy Keenan developed the treatment after working at the VA for two decades. The Center for Post Traumatic Growth in Rancho Cordova treats family members as well as veterans and gets to the core of the moral injury with a specific letter writing technique meant to reconnect veterans to the source of their injury. Dr. Keenan wants to expand the work to first-responders after reading about firefighter and police officer suicide rates. Current numbers from the VA show 22 veterans a day take their own lives. I'm currently putting together a longer form video story on the center which I'll have up on my blog page very soon. Below are the two segments we did this morning on the KFBK Morning News.