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Female Trump Supporter Pepper-Sprayed By Berkeley Rioter During TV Interview

Kiara Robles attempted to attend a political speech at University of California-Berkeley Wednesday night, but found herself being pepper-sprayed by a radical leftist protester instead.

The event, a speech by Breitbart editor Milo Yiannapoulos, was canceled when protests against it turned into a riot. That’s when Kiara found herself outside with the mob wearing a red “Make Bitcoin Great Again” hat, which looks nearly identical to a Trump “Make America Great Again” hat.

At the end of an interview with a local TV station, Kiara was blindsided with pepper spray from a female rioter.

Willing to give the mob the benefit of the doubt at the time, Kiara said, “I’m looking to just make a statement by being here, and I think the protesters are doing the same. And props to them, the ones who are doing it non-violently. I think that’s a very rare thing, indeed.”

Watch the video HERE

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