Milo is an 8 month old and 75 pound (and growing!!) Shepherd mix who is looking for his forever home. He loves to run around and play and is such a fun guy! He is ready to live a life of adventure with his forever family. He would love to go on hikes, jogs, and other fun adventures. He loves the kiddie pool at the shelter so we think he would like to go swimming at the lake and rivers. Milo would love to be your own and only pet, but we think he might do well with teenagers!
Name: Milo
Animal ID: 50575383
Breed: German Shepherd mix
Age: 8 months
Sex: Neutered Male
Adoption Fee: $110
If you are interested in this specific animal, please come to the shelter for walk-in adoptions Tuesday through Saturday from 10:30am to 5:30pm. We recommend coming in as early as possible, as adoptions are first-come, first-served.