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Funds Needed to Restore 'Grove of Titans'

Some of the state's largest redwood trees that were once a well-kept secret have been "loved to death" by visitors.

The redwoods in the "Grove of Titans" forest near the California-Oregon border could use some help. 

President and CEO of Save the Redwoods League Sam Hodder said when word got out about the grove, people hunted it down.

"What was once this natural oasis, this unique, wild place of extraordinary ancient trees, all of a sudden started to get loved to death," Hodder said. 

Hodder said the forest understory has been trampled and social trails now wind through it.

"It has started to impact the root system of the trees," Hodder said. "It was beginning to take away some of that natural wildness in the delicate ecosystem." 

Hodder said there's a restoration plan that includes an elevated walkway to help protect the root system. 

According to Save the Redwoods League, "a generous dollar-for-dollar challenge grant from Josie Merck, a passionate and caring friend of Save the Redwoods League, to match all contributions made by December 31, 2018, up to $500,000, is in place to support the campaign’s first phase." 

To find out how to donate to this project, click here. 

This project is a partnership between California State Parks, Save the Redwoods League, National Park Service and the Redwood Parks Conservancy.

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