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Listeners React To CA Legislature's Illegal Immigrant Health Benefits Plan

News 93.1 KFBK listeners weigh in on the proposal to expand Medical and provide health care benefits to low-income illegal immigrants between the ages of 19 and 25. The proposal was announced by Democrats in the California Legislature over the weekend.

Listeners react to California plan to provide free health care benefits to some low-income illegal alien adults.

For some state lawmakers, like Senator María Elena Durazo from Los Angeles, the current proposal does not go far enough in providing free health care to illegal immigrants. She and others in the Senate wanted to include adults 65 and older.

"I’m disappointed that our seniors are not included in the budget framework. Nevertheless, we are going to keep pushing for it because our seniors deserve our support. No low-income Californian should be denied access to affordable primary health care," said Durazo.

State officials say the proposal will cover about 90,000 people at a cost of $98 million per year. The state Senate had wanted to expand the proposal to include adults 65 and older, but the Newsom administration argued it would cost too much.

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