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Elk Grove Unified Readies Schools For Partial In-Person Instruction

The Elk Grove Unified School District announced on Monday that a plan to allow for at least some in-person classes is in the works. That plan is based on the possibility that by November 3rd Sacramento County will move from the red tier to the less restrictive orange tier of the California COVID-19 reopening plan.

If that happens, the EGUSD will begin a "phased-in approach" to reopening schools in alignment with the academic calendar. That will allow two weeks for teachers and other staff to get ready.

Should the county not move into the orange tier in November, students will continue with distance learning only, and the District will set it's sights on reopening schools with the second quarter at the beginning of January, 2021.

EGUSD says, for now, parents don't need to do anything. Details about the school year and what parents will need to know to be ready will be provided in a presentation to the Board October 28, 2020. A board agenda was supposed to be posted online by the end of the day on October 26th. You be able to get additional information on the District’s website at

"Our first priority is student and staff safety," said Superintendent Christopher Hoffman. "Our second priority is maintaining learning continuity and providing our students with the resources they need for their social, emotional and academic growth and development."

EGUSD is the fifth-largest school district in California and includes 67 schools spread out over 320 square miles.

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