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Cal/OSHA Expected To Remove Mask Rules For Vaccinated Workers Today

California's Division of Occupational Safety and Health is hearing public comment today as the debate continues regarding masking in the workplace. It is expected today that the group will move the rules in order to align with the CDC guidance on maks for those vaccinated. That would allow workers who are fully vaccinated to not wear masks at work. On Tuesday of this week, the state fully reopened lifting the state-wide mask mandate for all vaccinated Californians, expect in places of employment. Cal/OSHA's updated rules were reversed last week and a new hearing was set for June 17th, two days after the reopening of the state. The current rules in place for the last two days were from guidelines created October of 2020, before the wide distribution of vaccinations and information from the CDC. If the expected orders pass from Cal/OSHA, Governor Newsom says he will sign an executive order to implement the rules effective midnight that night.

Listen to the public comments in the Cal/OSHA hearing here. For details on the current requirements for masks in California effective June 15th click here.

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