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Reaction is pouring in this morning to the news of the murder of Mary Tibbitts, who was killed in her Sacramento home in the Land Park neighborhood.
This morning a twice convicted felon who was let out of prison early is behind bars accused of her murder. The suspect could face the death penalty if he's found guilty. Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Sgt. Rodney Grassmann initially refused Tuesday to discuss why Davis was released before a June 22 arraignment set for Sacramento Superior Court, referring questions to Sacramento police. Police noted that the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the jail.
“The police department does not have responsibility on releasing people from the County Jail,” police wrote in an email to The Sacramento Bee. Anthony Ambrosino lives across the street from the house where neighbors said Tibbetts lived for about 10 years. Summer evenings, he said, usually meant he'd see Tibbetts.
"It's really eerie," Ambrosino said. "I'm used to seeing her when I get home, often in the summer, reading a book on her front porch. And she's always got her dogs out with her."