Photo: Sacramento News
Governor Gavin Newsom nibbled on the In-N-Out Burger controversy during a vaccination event in Oakland, where he told reporters he didn't want to get involved but did say he stands behind the fast-food company.
An In-N-Out in San Francisco was closed to in-door dining last week after the Fisherman's Wharf location refused to check vaccination cards. On Monday, a Pleasant Hill Restaurant was shut down for similar violations. Newsom said what it amounts to is a difference of opinion on how to handle county health mandates, adding that state and businesses have to work through them. "I encourage everybody to take seriously local health orders and I encourage everybody to support businesses that support this state," said Newsom. "I appreciate that they are a headquartered California-based company."
Business experts say the issue over vaccine compliance has taken on even more weight with nationwide controversy over local health mandates.