California primary elections tomorrow, with several key races to look out for.
California’s primary election begins June 7, and county election officials across the state have sent ballots to registered voters. Many state counties such as Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside, have already started early in-person voting. For 2022, California voters will elect 52 members for its delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives. In the Tuesday primary, the two candidates who receive the most votes move forward to the fall election; in most districts, the November general election will be between a Republican and a Democrat. Some of the district contests for California are expected to be among the nation’s most hard-fought — and expensive — as the Republican Party aims to take back control of a Democratic controlled Congress. Key races for the state to watch closely are the district attorney recall election in San Francisco, Los Angeles mayor’s election, Los Angeles County sheriff’s election, the 27th Congressional District, 40th Congressional District and 49th Congressional District races.
In California, the Democratic Party currently holds 42 seats and the GOP represents 10. In some districts, seats have flipped between parties in recent elections, particularly in the one-time conservative strongholds of Southern California in Orange County. With the congressional map redrawn after the most recent census, some races have been upended, with candidates choosing to run in new districts or remaining in less secure ones, and a few opting out altogether. The state is losing a seat for the first time in its history due to slowing population growth.
Polls officially close at 11 PM ET. Voting information is still available for registering, local voting resources, voter ballots and more.