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A recently signed California law bans owners convicted of child or elder abuse to own a gun. Governor Gavin Newsom signed that measure Thursday and will be enforced for ten years. That was one of 8 gun bills made into law that same day. Included in those measures, Newsom also gave the green light to a bill requiring schools to annually keep parents in the loop on state laws regarding child access prevention and safe firearm storage. The move comes the U.S. has seen a number of mass shootings in just the last couple of months.
Here is a list of the other bills that Governor Newsom signed into law this week also geared at cutting back on gun violence:
- Assembly Bill 228 — Requires the Department of Justice to conduct inspections of dealers at least every three years, except for a dealer whose place of business is located in a jurisdiction that has adopted an inspection program. This begins Jan. 1, 2024.
- Assembly Bill 311 — Prohibits the sale of gun parts at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in Southern California.
- Assembly Bill 1769 — Bans sale of any firearm, part or ammunition at the Ventura County Fair and Event Center
- Assembly Bill 1842 — Prohibits licensed firearms dealers from charging more than 5% of what the firearm was originally sold as a fee for when trying to cancel the purchase of the firearm within 10 days of the application, with an exception for special order firearms.
- Assembly Bill 2156 — Increases limitations for manufacturing firearms without a state license. This includes reducing the number of guns a person may make without a license and bans the use of a 3-D printer to make any firearm without a license.
- Assembly Bill 2239 — Anyone convicted of child or elder abuse is prohibited from possessing a firearm for a 10-year-period.
- Senate Bill 906 —Local educational agencies will be required to provide parents with information about the state's laws relating to safely storing firearms and laws related to preventing children access to firearms. Schools will also be required to report to law enforcement any threat or perceived threat of a homicidal act. On top of that, law enforcement or the school police will be required to conduct an investigation and threat assessment. That would include a review of the Department of Justice's firearm registry and a search of the school and/or student's property if certain conditions are met.
- Senate Bill 915 — Prohibits the sale of firearms, parts and ammunition on state property.