Listen: Paul Somerhausen who runs SactoMOFO says they came up with an idea where a $6 donation could buy a meal for someone at Saint John's for Real Change--they work with formerly homeless women and their children.
Due to the pandemic, two communities who are struggling are teaming up: Saint John’s Program for Real Change, with recently homeless women and children, and Sacramento local Food Trucks. For a limited time, you can help by donating $6 and the trucks will provide a warm meal for one of our neighbors at Saint John’s. Every time we reach $600 in donations, a food truck will deliver 100 meals to Saint John’s.
Donate here:
Saint John’s Program for Real Change operates the largest residential program for formerly homeless women and children in Sacramento County. Since 1985, they have served over 30,000 homeless women and children, providing mothers with the essential tools to rise out of poverty and homelessness such as, mental health therapy, addiction counseling, high school diploma attainment courses, transportation, childcare, and employment training.
The entire organization has been deeply impacted by the suspension of operations, postponement of crucial fundraising events, and exclusion of volunteers who regularly provide, prepare and serve many of the weekly meals to the women and children. With all women and children on campus full time, food expenses have increased dramatically and this puts Saint John's in serious financial jeopardy.
In the past 2 weeks, local food trucks have lost over 90% of their business opportunities. These local businesses are really struggling to provide for their families and workers and they are in desperate need of business opportunities to stay afloat. Participating in The GREAT FOOD TRUCK FEED will allow the food truck to make a $1-2 profit on each meal they provide for Saint John’s. Your donations can make a huge difference.
100% of the donations will go towards food trucks feeding women and children at Saint John’s!
Payment Options:
- Online with credit card (credit card processing fees apply)
- Check or money order made out to “SactoMoFo Inc” and mailed to:
1017 L St, #230
Sacramento, CA 95814