Listen: Cindy Gustafson, Vice Chair, Placer County Board of Supervisors. The Placer County Board of Supervisors has hired an expert firm in the field of homelessness and cross-sector planning to assist with developing best practices for working with the homeless population in the county
. The Board of Supervisors voted this week to authorize spending $195,000 to hire Moore Iacofano Goltsman (dba as MIG, Inc.) to provide facilitation, planning and technical assistance to a regional work group composed of interjurisdictional elected and appointed officials.
The consultant will begin work immediately by reviewing data from existing programs and services that currently assist people experiencing homelessness throughout the county. The data collected will be compared to several peer communities and overall best practices to help determine the best path forward.
A series of regional working group meetings will also be facilitated by the consultant along with stakeholder and community engagement meetings to gather additional input for a recommendations report. The timeline calls for the report to be complete by December 2021 and it will address needs related to shelter capacity, staffing and facilities. The report will also evaluate potential operating models and include estimated capital and operating costs along with possible funding sources.
The collaborative effort was launched earlier this month during a Regional Homeless Summit that was hosted by Placer County and well attended by representatives from the county’s cities and towns.
“I’m pleased to see the strong support of our regional partners,” said Board Chair Robert Weygandt. “We have the opportunity to work together to manage this problem more effectively by combining our resources and consolidating our efforts and I’m grateful that our partners see the value in this approach.”