The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal

The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal

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Sacramento's Virtual National PFF Walk Day Sept 25 in William Land Park

Listen: Organizer Forrest Reed talking about the first and virtual Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation’s Walk on September 25th in Sacramento's William Land Park. Join his team "Breathe Easy."

Also, Dr. Justin Oldham will be joining us for the interview. Dr. Oldham is the Director of the Interstitial Lung Disease Clinical and Research Program at UC Davis. Dr. Oldham has made a tremendous impact in caring for PF patients in our region, one of the nation’s experts on ILD and making important contributions in the research arena as well.

The One Step Closer Walk is this Saturday. We will gather at the top of the William Land Park amphitheatre (right across from Fairy Tale Town on 12th Ave.) at 9:00 am for our three mile walk. Anyone interested that would like more information can contact me at

Here is the link to our Team Breathe Easy page on the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation’s website for registration and donations :

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On September 25, Sacramento resident Forrest Reed is joining patients,families,and friends across the country for the virtual National PFF Walk Day. We’re taking one step closer to a cure for pulmonary fibrosis (PF), a debilitating, incurable lung disease that causes scarring in the lungs and affects more than 250,000 Americans.

The PFF Walk is presented by the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) during Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month. Forrest was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis after having a lung biopsy in March. . He is a member of the Central Valley Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group. Forrest is now an active voice in the PF community and will be bringing the spirit of the PFF Walk to the Sacramento area to drive more awareness and education about the disease. He is registering members to join their Team Breathe Easy for the local walk at William Land Park.

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