The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal

The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal

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Marketing Expert Weighs in on Gender Neutral Dept Store Display Law in CA

California is now the first state to mandate that large department stores display products like toys and toothbrushes in gender-neutral ways, a win for LGBT advocates who say the pink and blue hues of traditional marketing methods pressure children to conform to gender stereotypes.

The new law, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, does not outlaw traditional boys and girls sections at department stores. Instead, it says large stores must also have a gender neutral section to display “a reasonable selection” of items “regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys.”

Listen: Adam Rizzieri is co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer with Agency Partner Interactive, a digital marketing firm in Dallas who helps dozens of companies market themselves and their products on multiple platforms.

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