The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal

The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal

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Lincoln's Fieldhaven Feline Center Looks Back on 3 Yr Camp Fire Anniversary

Listen: Joy Smith, Executive Director at FieldHaven Feline Center.

At 10:30 p.m. Nov. 8, 2018, the Northern California cat shelter based in Lincoln received a call from the Yuba County Office of Emergency Services asking if it could establish a sheltering facility for cats to help evacuees from the raging Camp Fire. Seven months and five days later, FieldHaven ended its Camp Fire response program.

“What started out as a sheltering, rescue and recovery mission for the cats quickly moved into a humanitarian mission for the people as well,” said Joy Smith, FieldHaven executive director. “It was FieldHaven’s honor to help people who had lost everything in an instant to navigate the challenge of searching for their lost cats, reuniting them and grieving for those who weren’t found. That feeling of kindness and compassion is something I will carry with me the rest of my life.”

Quick facts

Time deployed helping cats displaced by the Camp Fire: 220 days

Lost cats who did not have microchips: at least 600 (FieldHaven immediately gave them chips)

Status of total 641 Camp Fire cats cared for by FieldHaven:

Adopted to new families by FieldHaven: 180

Transferred to partner organizations for adoption: 173

Reunited with their people: 142

Feral cats who were spayed or neutered and returned to their home areas: 124

Cats who now live permanently at FieldHaven as sanctuary cats: 14

Deceased: 8

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Smith has been taking interview requests related to the Camp Fire anniversary from around the world, including an appearance on the British podcast Let’s Chat About Cats.

She is also featured in a new documentary film by Director Katharine Parsons titled “The Fire Cats, which is expected to premiere next year at a number of film festivals. The film features Smith’s early deployment during the Camp Fire, her presence on site for months thanks to support from the national cat advocacy group Alley Cat Allies, and her work diagnosing and treating PTSD in cats and reuniting cats with their families.

Jack needs a home!

And check out this sweet 13 year old kitty named Jack whose owner recently died. He really needs a home!

Hi, I'm Jack. I had been with the same person my entire life, along with a fellow kitty sibling, until recently. My human mom passed away, my sibling had to go one direction and me, another. I'm still grieving, as one can easily see with my quiet, withdrawn demeanor.My mom's friend took me in as a favor, so she doesn't know me too well. She's just trying to do the right thing. I'm gentle and affectionate once you get to know me, I'm declawed on my front paws, and I've previously had access to supervised outdoor excursions, though now we've made the decision to keep me inside. I love to be brushed, and I'll purr loudly to show my appreciation. I'm not too keen on being picked up or held, right now at least, but I will snuggle next to you for hours. While my old life is no longer, I do deserve a new life, and I'm hoping you'll be the one to give it to me. I'm currently part of FieldHaven's Meow & Forever program, which helps me find a new home but keeps me out of the shelter. I'm living in Roseville, so reach out to my caregiver below for more info! Juliette: 916-276-3562

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