Hollywood Film on Sex Trafficking Brings Awareness and Premieres at the Auburn State Theater July 31 at 3 pm. $10 adults, $5 17 and under
Listen: Producer Johnny Lujan
Robert Craig Films, in association with Artists For Change, announced today they will have a screening of The Lost Girls on July 31st to help bring more awareness of sex trafficking to our local community. This weekend was chosen for the premiere because it’s the United Nations international day of remembrance titled, ‘World Day Against Trafficking in Persons’.
This LIFETIME Channel premiere movie was directed by Hollywood veteran filmmaker Julia Verdin with efforts to help young girls and boys around the world to be more aware of the evils of the trafficking industry.
After the film, there will be a panel of experts in trafficking, including a saved trafficked girl, who will speak on this topic.
The screening is sponsored by the Soroptimist International of Auburn, the Auburn State Theater and local movie production company Robert Craig Films.
For tickets to the film, you can purchase online at www.AuburnStateTheater.com. All ticket sales proceeds will be given to a locally selected anti-trafficking organization.
Johnny Lujan has a non-profit called Freedom Through Education