Listen: Darcy Brewer, Executive Director
California Capital Airshow to Host Volunteer Rally
California Capital Airshow (CCA), presented by Sacramento County in partnership with the City of Rancho Cordova, invites prospective, past and current airshow volunteers to participate in the annual Volunteer Rally at the Rancho Cordova City Hall (2729 Prospect Park Dr, Rancho Cordova) on Wednesday, July 19 from 6-8 p.m. The rally, which serves as the official kick-off to volunteer planning and coordination for the 2023 Airshow, provides interested community members with the opportunity to learn more about the event, meet team leaders and find their niche on the CCA volunteer team.
More than 1,000 community members make up the corps of volunteers that help bring the Airshow to life each year. They are brought together by their passion for aviation, community and friendship. The Airshow is looking for adults, age 18 and older, to volunteer their time on Saturday, September 23 and Sunday, September 23, 2023. Volunteers will be fed and provided with water throughout the day, in addition to receiving a commemorative ‘Airshow Crew’ t-shirt, the chance to make some new friends and the CCA’s deepest gratitude for supporting this nonprofit event. Those interested are encouraged to attend the CCA Volunteer Rally or complete volunteer registration at