Capitol Weekly writes:
We have added a new wrinkle to our annual Top 100 list of California’s unelected political influencers – the Capitol Weekly Top 100 Hall of Fame.
This year we wanted to do something to recognize some of the true giants within our Capitol community, folks we think have a track record of influence so impressive and that we must acknowledge them in a way that stands the test of time. In doing so, we can permanently acknowledge their place in this community and honor them for all they have accomplished in their stellar careers. And because sometimes we just want to give people their flowers while they’re here to enjoy them.
These are the initial five Capitol stalwarts we have chosen for this first year’s class, and while you might have your own favorites who aren’t here (yet), nobody can deny that this fabulous fivesome is as worthy as anyone could be. – Rich Ehisen, Capitol Weekly
Read Maviglio's honor here: