An Australian politician was smashed with an Egg from an 17- year old boy who was not pleased with his comments about the New Zealand Mosque Shooting. Queensland Sen. Fraser Anning was speaking to reporters on Saturday when 17 year old Will Connolly smashed a raw egg on the Senator's head.
Video of the incident shows the Senator turning around and then hitting the teenager in the face. The 17-year-old was arrested, but he was later released without charges.
Dozens of people praised the teenager's actions who was dubbed "Egg Boy" online. Apparently, many people are a fan of the egg smashing because a GoFundMe was created on Connolly's behalf and raised over $52,000. Connolly has said the he wishes for the funds to be donated to the victims of the shooting.
Do you think "Egg Boy" was justified in smashing the egg on the Senator's head? Should he be punished? Do you agree with the Senator's reaction of hitting the boy? I will be taking your calls today to discuss this today. You can listen today at 3PM on 93.1FM, 1530AM, at or on the iHeartRadio App.
-John McGinness